Thursday, June 23, 2011


Trust 30 : Day 24 (prompt by Susan Piver)
The secret of fortune is joy in our hands. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you could picture your intuition as a person, what would he or she look like? If you sat down together for dinner, what is the first thing he or she would tell you?
My intuition (I think I'll name him Django) is cunning. You might not notice him at first when you walk in the room, but he's always there. See, his primary objective isn't to be seen but to see. To the casual observer (the ones that notice him anyway) he might even appear "shady." He keeps to himself, but always has a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous smile (or is it a smirk) on his face. Like he knows something the rest of us don't. No matter how persuasive you are, he won't tell you how it knows it. But he's rarely wrong.

Just the other day I got together with Django for coffee. I was trying to sort through the junk in my head. Maybe it was a bit of a midlife crisis. Anyway, I needed to have a chat with someone. When I have a crisis in my life, it's usually rooted in something existential or metaphysical. And that's just what this was. I was fretting about what path to choose or how to know what God's will was for my life or something else like that. You know, the stuff that weighs me down that others just don't seem to get. I just couldn't collect enough data to make the decision easy. Of course, I never can.

Django sat back an listened, cool as can be. His dark eyes were full of compassion. His crooked smile betrayed his inner thoughts, though. He didn't need to hear me rambling on with all my worries, observations, and fears. He already knew the answer.

"Relax." He tells me.  Easy for him to say. "You know the answer, you always have." His zen mumbo-jumbo gets to me some times.

"But what if I take the wrong path? What if I make the wrong choice?" I blurt out a little too hastily. 

"Look. Your whole life has led up to this point. The path you take is determined by so much more than the observations you can bring to mind right now. You're prepared, you're ready. And you already know the path you need to take." 

"But what if I'm wrong? I could miss out on my destiny! Worse yet, I could anger God. If He's setting something up for me and I walk away...well, it could be bad." 

"Who do you think has been shaping you for this? When has God ever left your side? He's always been there and always will be. You've done some pretty stupid things in your life and He has stood by you through it all. He's directing your steps."

"But what if I'm following my own whims instead of His voice?" I cry out.

"You love God. You seek God. He loves you. Keep your eyes and your heart focused on Him and you can't make a bad choice. Trust Him and go with it. There are lives out there that need to be touched, people that need love and healing. There's a world out there to shake."

I sat back, out of words. I slowly sipped the last of my now cool mug of black, decaf coffee. Django met my hesitant gaze with a compassionate smile while he sipped his steaming Earl Grey. I can feel his words working in my heart, compelling me to move from thought into action.

I finally ask, "so, what's next?" 

"Go get 'em, Tiger"

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