Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Message - Pursue

Trust30 - Day 10
To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is burning deep inside of you? If you could spread your personal message RIGHT NOW to 1 million people, what would you say?
Many readers will probably click away with my next sentence. There's more to this whole God thing than you realize. Humanity has twisted and abused religion for so many years it can take a lot to break through the hurt and find the truth. But the truth is there for those that earnestly seek it. God is bigger than you can imagine. 
I know I can't use my logic and wit to persuade anyone to look to God again. We each have our own road before us and your quest will not look like mine at all.  I can't tell you what your next step will be. I encourage you to take it, though. Even if you think you're a Christian. Especially if you think you're a Christian.
This whole God thing isn't only about where you go when you die. When you find Jesus, He brings you to life RIGHT THEN. The apostle Paul repeatedly uses phrases like "You were dead because you were apart from Him, but now you are alive." He's not talking to people that are in Heaven. Your new life starts here and now.
I'm not one to say everything's perfect all the time, I still have my ups and downs. But the life I've lived since I found Christ goes beyond words.  I used to think I was free because I could do anything I wanted...that Christians were boring and stuffy. Now that I've found true freedom in Christ I look back at my old life and can see the shackles and bars that held me. 
My message: pursue God. Question everything you think you know about God. Revisit the scriptures with an open mind. Please read the Bible, but feel free to read the Quran, Tao Te Ching, Book of Mormon, the Upanishads, the teachings of Buddha, the Vedas, or any other Holy book you wish. The true God is bigger than your questions, and if you honestly seek Him, you will find Him.  My belief is that an honest and humble quest will lead you to the truth.  And the truth will set you free.

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