Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trust 30 - Interlude

I signed up for the Trust 30 challenge enthusiastically. I enjoy writing and really thrived on the daily deadlines. I've fallen behind lately and have been trying to decide whether to catch up or not. See, I appreciate what they're trying to do. And I know I need to write. I try really hard not to complain much, I'm just so good at it.

The last week's worth of writing prompts have been challenging. They haven't been challenging in the way they were meant to be. My life hasn't been changed by thinking about them. I'm not thinking of things in new ways, not getting new perspectives. And I haven't been writing about the things I'd love to write about. I guess that's the biggest thing for me. The prompts I've been able to pull out of the last week's posts have felt like I've been covering the same ground over and over (and over and over). When I reflect on all the prompts and what I've written, it feels a lot like literary self-gratification. Write about yourself, go deeper into yourself, give yourself a pep talk. As you can tell from my previous writings, I'm just not that into me.

So, we'll see what the future holds...I'd like to go ahead and finish the Trust 30 challenge simply because I like to finish what I start. I've got some work to do to catch up, but I needed this interlude.

The best part of the Trust30 challenge for me has been discovering a few other excellent blogs:

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