Monday, February 28, 2011

Ecclesiastes (it's not what you think)

"For everything there is a season."  Ecclesiastes 3:1

A few years ago I had my life changed by a ministry at my church.  I was a 30-something new believer after a life time of intentional and deliberate atheism.  When God pulled me out of that, I found myself seeking Him, looking for opportunities to go deeper.  I had an unquenchable hunger but I couldn't find anything that could fill my appetite.  I had a few good "feedings", notably a season of "Men's Fraternity" that was life changing for me and a "Marriage Encounter" with my wife.  But both of those were short term events that ended too soon, thrusting me back out into the real world desperately searching for more.

When I hooked up with this other ministry, whose members were often referred to as "Those People", I found that I was surrounded by imperfect people that were not only seeking God openly and honestly, but they were clinging to Him for their next breath.  There was an honesty that I had not seen in the secular or Christian world before.  There was also a common yearning for spiritual intimacy that I had never seen anywhere.  I found it refreshing and inspiring.

It's been a few years now.  God has changed me, changed my family, and changed my church.  When I look back at the last year I find it hard to believe all that He has done.  I led worship for a year, every Friday night.  14 months ago I had never sung in public.  28 months ago I had never sung in private.  I don't claim to be good, but God gave me just enough to get me through.  And that's the tip of the iceberg.  I could (and probably should've been) fill this blog with stories of life change and miracles.

But, for everything there is a season.  The time for that ministry at our church is coming to an end.  We have two more Friday nights and then it's over.  Yes, I know I will miss it.  I will miss the brothers and sisters that I have served with and whose lives I have seen changed.  None of us will ever be the same. 

I believe that God never meant for us to get too embedded in our ministries.  When we do, I think the human tendency is to believe that it is the ministry that saves us, it is the ministry that keeps us healed.  Our nature is to cling so tightly to the things of this is vital to recognize when it's time to move on.  When the pillar of fire moves, it's time to pack the tents.  And it's time to pack the tents.

God may have parted the Red Sea to get us to where we're at.  That might have been an awesome miracle, but we're not to the promised land yet.  He still has plans for us, and it is still our calling to follow Him wherever it may lead.  Even if it means letting go of what we cling to.

So tonight I find myself looking forward.  What does God have planned?  I don't know, but I await it with anticipation.  Instead of being bitter or let down by this ending, I am excited about the new beginning.