Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blog change

I'm still a runner, still me. My life has taken a "turn for the real" lately, so instead of writing about running, I will be blogging more deeply (that is, deeply for me). My current ramblings and interests cover parenting, manhood (particularly father/son), God, leadership, marriage, and other random topics. If you stumble across this, feel free to leave me a comment or suggestion.

Accountability and God

I've been reading about and thus thinking about accountability. What are some of the things that keep us from accomplishing the things in life that are important to us? It is a failure to take ownership of the obstacles in front of us, shake off the victim mentality, and seize the moment to turn the world into the place we want it to be. Yes, we live in an imperfect world, but in order to have our surroundings (people, places, finances, etc) be what we want them to be, we need to live in a way that is worthy of them. At work, don't wait for someone else to set the example, instead be the employee you want to be surrounded by. I recently heard the phrase "Contend for what God has called you to do". This doesn't mean sit back and wait for God to lay a path before will be hard to live life in a way that glorifies Him! One thing I know to be true, the easy path and the right path are rarely the same. God designed each of us uniquely and wonderfully with a purpose and a plan. Living out that plan, become what God has designed us for is one of life's hardest challenges. In fact, it takes our entire life to unfold, and even then it unfolds imperfectly. The sooner we get started on it, the sooner we learn from the mistakes we make (and there will be more than a few), and the sooner we are able to live a life that glorfies Him! So get going!