Sunday, June 26, 2011

Call To Arms

Trust 30 : Day 26 (prompt by Sasha Dichter)

The secret of fortune is joy in our hands. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
What if today, right now, no jokes at all, you were actually in charge, the boss, the Head Honcho. Write the “call to arms” note you’re sending to everyone (staff, customers, suppliers, Board) charting the path ahead for the next 12 months and the next 5 years. Now take this manifesto, print it out somewhere you can see, preferably in big letters you can read from your chair.
You’re just written your own job description. You know what you have to do. Go!
Let us do nothing out of hate, malice, anger, or vengeance. Let our lives and everything in them be shaped by love. In ever situation let us strive to do the right thing, and in a way that doesn't tear anyone down but only lifts them up.

Christ has called us to be His hands and feet, continuing His work here on earth. He has called us to comfort the afflicted, feed the hungry, free those that are in chains, and provide for widows and orphans. I believe if we unite and take this call seriously we would see humanity transformed in less than a generation.

People are desperately looking for a savior. In America, more and more it is the role of the government to feed the needy and help the broken. Many Christians I know believe the growth of government is a horrible thing. They spend many hours in fruitless worry and frustration, fretting about what this politician or that politician is doing. But what if we stopped looking to the politicians? What if we stop focusing on what Thomas Jefferson said and instead focused on the vision Christ had for humanity? What if we let that guide our lives?

According to Wikipedia, there are approximately 2.2 Billion Christians on earth. If you self-identify as a Christian, you believe God sent His son Jesus to earth to save humanity. We all agree on that. Whether we do or don't dance or drink; whether we wear suits or shorts to church; whether we rock out or chant acappela in worship -- we are one body united in Christ. We are diverse, there is no doubt. And we are all called to serve Him. If even a small percentage of us united around this fact, we could shake the earth.

Imagine a country where food stamps weren't needed because "the church" not only fed the hungry but lifted them out of their situation in love, helping them find new life and purpose here on earth. Imagine a country where medicare wasn't necessary because the church provided for the medical needs of the old and ill. Imagine a country where those that lost their employment were taken in by the church, helped along, and retrained for a new vocation. Imagine a country where the church was so full of love and faith that there were no orphans or foster children because there were so many loving families willing to take them in. There are already Christian organizations doing each of these things, making a real difference. They are generally under-funded and under-publicized, but the framework is already there. 

What if we spent our time and money doing all these things in a way characterized with love, compassion, and joy? What if we used our "time, treasure, and talent" for this instead of on tracts and superficial outreach? What would it say about our church if outsiders were drawn to it because they see the good work we are doing, the real difference we are making and they want to be a part of it? What if we actually welcomed in the non-believers, the "sinners," and those that normally feel out of place in church to serve along side us?

I believe this is not only possible, but essential. I believe we are called to live united. Let us break down the walls that divide us. If we stopped focusing on our differences so much, we would realize that we have much in common. Let's unite and conquer.

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