Monday, June 6, 2011

Be Bold?

Trust 30 Challenge Day 7 : Dare to Be Bold

The question (with a little editing for the sake of brevity)
Our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion, we have not chosen, but society has chosen for us. We are parlour soldiers. We shun the rugged battle of fate, where strength is born. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
The rest of the intro by Matt Cheuvront is here 
What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue? Write it down. Also write down the obstacles in your way of reaching your goal. Finally, write down a tangible plan to overcome each obstacle. 
The only thing left is to, you know, actually go make it happen. What are you waiting for?

The Response

Like many of the other Trust30 challenge writers I've been reading, I'm already working/living toward the dream.

What have I always wanted to accomplish but have been afraid to pursue?

Trick question.  Choosing to pursue is the accomplishment.  I started life seeking awards, rewards, and pieces of paper.  Once earned they still leave something missing inside.  So I shoot higher.  But higher goals aren't the answer.  Publishing a book, having a million dollars in my checking account, or traveling the world will not fill that spot.  That doesn't mean those are worthless, it just means I can't hope for those things to complete us.

Living on faith in God while pursuing Him is the answer.  I feel like a broken record, but since I've put my own agenda aside and have instead pursued Christ and His will for my life, two things have happened:

  1. Life has been sweet and fulfilling.  Much more so than I ever expected in my wildest dreams.  That empty spot stays full most of the time.
  2. About 90% of the dreams I had for myself (that I had let go of) have come to fruition.  Each one a miracle. Most I didn't even ask for, they just happened. Things I had given up on years ago.  It's mind blowing.

Do I still have dreams?  Absolutely.  Even more now than before Christ found me.  I believe that God has given me a glimpse of what is to come in my life and it's a complete turn from what I'm doing now.  I have no idea how it will come about, but I trust Him.  In this one thing, this one dream, I am patient.  I don't see how I will get from here to there, but I just walk the road.  One step at a time, trusting the path.


My biggest obstacles are consequences of past mistakes.  Primarily debt.  Without this burden I'd be free to give even more away.  I'd have more freedom to pursue.  But these are debts that I owe, so I diligently pay them off.  I am fortunate to have a wife that has come to hate debt as much as I do...we knocked most of it out in 2010.  The rest (except the house) goes in 2011.  This is another area that God has worked in our lives...we began faithfully honoring him with every dollar that comes into our house and as a result paid of almost all of 20 years of accumulated debt in about a year.  God can do that when you let Him.

Tangible Plan

My tangible plan is to take my relationship with God to deeper levels.  I still doubt it when I feel Him directing typically takes 3 nudges before I move.  I need to learn to recognize His direction more quickly. Not out of fear that He'll punish's more that where He leads me is always incredible.

My plan is to continue to pursue Him by deliberate prayer time, worship, studying His word, and building a community of believers that seek the same thing.  And I won't stop talking about how awesome my God is.

It's an active process, not just sitting back waiting for Him to work. But the end result is life changing and eternal. And bold?  A life that is truly based on faith in God is as bold as it gets.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Great stuff, David.
I think the journey towards out goals is way too-often overlooked. Some of our greatest growth as people comes from the experiences we have in the pursuit of something. Keep writing! I love it! :)