Monday, January 21, 2013

Miracle Mondays

I believe that going to heaven for eternity is an incredible benefit of Christianity. That's not the only one, though. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that He came to give us life, and life in abundance  I believe that if we are in Christ, our life does not look the same anymore. The here-and-now is transformed.

The reason I believe this is not because a smiling preacher told me so. It's not even because the Bible says so. The reason I believe this is because I have experienced it. It happened in my own life and in the lives of others I've known.

In my experience, it seems like a lot of us Christians miss this. We focus so much on the hereafter, we forget about what's in front of us right now.

Joy. Peace. Life. Miracles.

I have had seasons of my life when I have seen miracle upon miracle, practically living in a state of overflowing awe at the presence and action of God. Mere months later I find myself wondering if any of it was real.

Enter Miracle Mondays. I'm dedicating Monday posts here to telling about a miracle that I have experienced or witnessed. These are times that I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I have seen God in action in this world. Many of these stories have happy endings, but some are heartbreaking. Some are silly. Some are tragic. All are real.

How about you, do you believe in miracles?

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