Thursday, February 14, 2013

What I know of love

What do you know of love? Maybe it's that love hurts. It requires an openness and trust that leaves you unprotected. Vulnerable. This world can be so cruel. Fully exposing your heart can be fatal.

I've been with my sweet lady since we were 16--way too young to know what love is. Like Jason Mraz says, "it takes no time to fall in love, but it takes years to know what love is." She and I have been learning what love is for over twenty years now. I don't know everything, but I've taken some notes along the way.

This is what I know of love.

Love is patient and full of grace. It always sees the best in others. Even at our worst, love has hope. Love endures. Love doesn't give up. I know this because I've seen it. I've lived it.

Unconditional love seems crazy. Why love someone that can't or won't return your love in the way you deserve? Why love someone totally, completely, and selflessly? Because it is the most powerful force in the universe. I have never seen true life change happen any other way. However, I could fill the internet with stories of lives changed because of unconditional love...lives changed through undeserved grace.

My sweetie taught me all about this by living it, by walking it out regardless of the consequences. She has loved me fearlessly and persistently through the highest mountains of my life and the deepest valleys. She has loved me when I didn't love myself. She has had hope where I thought no hope was possible. She has always seen and been a light in the darkest of nights. She chose to stay and fight every time it would've been easier to give up and go. We have learned to rejoice with each other for the sweet times in life. Together we have discovered the joy of parenthood, family, and growing old. Love taught us to cling ever so tightly to each other in life's storms.

Her example of love helped open my heart to begin to understand the nature of the love of God that He demonstrated through His son, Jesus. He loves us like that...unconditionally and full of grace. This incredible love that I have experienced from my gal--as unbelievable as it is--is a broken, imperfect refection of the immense and unconditional love of our creator. I find that incredibly humbling, driving me to my knees.

If I could wish two things for you, it would be that you experience this kind of love from another person here on earth and that you discover the love of Christ. Each will change your life beyond recognition. In the best possible way.

My friends, I believe one of the greatest treasures we have in this world is each other. We were created for relationships. To love on another. Fearlessly. To live a life with walls around your heart may keep some bad things out. It also keeps out so much good stuff. Over these last twenty(ish) years, my honey and I have found a few things we repeat to each other:

Love is messy. Love can hurt. 

But love is worth it. 

Every time.

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