Saturday, November 12, 2011

Grace Persists

"Forgive each other, just as Christ has forgiven you." Eph. 4:32

Forgiveness is one of the most essential beliefs underlying all of Christianity. Our own reconciliation with God hinges on the forgiveness of sin that is found in Christ. It is through this forgiveness that we find peace with God and then are able to delight in the full love of God.

This principle is brought up later in the New Testament as a critical principle between believers. In order to have healthy relationships with others, forgiveness and grace must exist and persist. But more than that, it must overflow every nook and cranny of the relationship.

Often after hearing a well-preached sermon about grace, forgiveness, and letting go of resentment we identify people that are "triggers" for us. We may pray for God to help us find some resolution. We may pray for God to help us let go of the hurt, to help us to forgive. We pray for God to help us redeem the relationship, to mend what was broken. We have a desperate faith -- hope beyond hope -- that the parent, child, friend, or spouse will become an intimate part of our lives again. We are ready to shower them with grace.

That feeling fades. That hope and faith begin to wither. We try to call them up...we might even drop by to try and "make things right." But they don't seem to be as full of grace as us, so eventually we give up. 

But grace must persist. Imagine what would have happened if God abandoned His pursuit of you at the first sign of difficulty. Or the second. Or the five hundredth. But He didn't. He kept pursuing you, full of love and grace. That's what love does. Against all odds and obstacles, grace persists.


Belinda said...

I thank God He persisted! Amen!!

OneBouchard said...

I agree with that, Belinda! Thanks!