Friday, July 19, 2013

What fear fears

Week one of Jon Acuff's ambitious "Start Experiment" is wrapping up. About 2,400 people courageously volunteered to pursue their dream with a newfound boldness and vigor for 24 straight days. It's time to ignore all that fear and all those excuses that can be paralyzing.

One of the funny things about fear is that there are so many things that scare it. For example, a community of friends that are all courageous enough to not only take bold action against their own fear, but battle to help others conquer it too. Apparently fear also isn't an early riser. I woke up at five every day this week and started busting tail. Some days fear didn't show up at all. 

One of the most powerful ways to battle fear, though, is with truth. Today's lesson (or challenge) in the Start Experiment is to fight each item in my "fear list" with a sentence of truth. 

It's late. I'm tired. I had such great plans for this list. But, in the long run it's more important to have this done than it is to have it perfect.

Fear: I'm not good enough.
Fact: I have been lead to where I am and prepared for the task at hand. 
Fear: I'm not experienced enough
Fact: I've been writing for years. My problem is not with experience, it is with hustle.

Fear: I'm not qualified to write about this
Fact: Write what you know. Life experience matters more than classroom time or a piece of paper.

Fear: I don't have time to write, edit, or finish
Fact: I set the alarm early 5 days this week (so far.) Off the cuff I would estimate I wrote close to 3000 words in the book, even though I had other plans 2 mornings. Those are facts, not theories. The time is there, ready to be filled.

Fear: The structure of the book is wrong.
Fact: so what. The content is what counts, the structure is flexible. Copy, paste, edit the transitions.

Fear: Once the book is done, it will need a complete rewrite.
Fact: nonsense. Edits, yes. Rewrite...that's silly.

Fear: I will run out of words.
Fact: this has never happened. I know from experience that the more I write, the more I write. It doesn't go the other way.

Fear: I'm feeding my own ego instead of pursuing God's will.
Fact: He started this, He will see it through. Like everything else He has led me through, my job is to humbly seek and follow Him.

Fear: I'll fail again.
Fact: Only if I listen to fear.

Fear: I'll sacrifice too much. Family, marriage, health, friendships.
Fact: My family and friends are the best. Not only do they love me and support all my crazy dreams, they are wise enough and courageous enough to tell me when I'm veering away from the important things in life.

(Written hastily from my iPhone as I hustle off to bed)

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