Monday, December 6, 2010

Love God. Love People. Happy Holidays!

When asked what the most important commandment was, Jesus replied that we are to love God and love each other.  I've heard sin described as anything that comes between us and God.  To get a little more specific, anything that comes between us and obedience to God.

So now the holiday season is upon us.  A time of reflection and joy.  A time to come together with loved ones and a time to help those in need.  It's the perfect time for those of us that have found the joy of new life in Christ to live out the greatest commandment.

When the sky turns gray and the temperature drops, peace on earth seems to be far from everyone's mind.  Instead, the air is full of upturned noses smugly declaring "Jesus is the reason for the season".  There are boycotts of stores and parades due to titles not being reverent enough.  While I'm sure many religious leaders of Jesus' time would agree with these practices and whole-heartedly participate in them, I have to wonder if Jesus himself would.  Is this the way He intended for us to behave when He instructed us to love people?

It seems that Paul went to great lengths to advise Christians on how to live and how to spread the good news.  He repeatedly emphasized the importance of being respectful and loving of those outside the church.  He instructed us to do whatever possible short of sin in order to fit in and to not offend.  Paul knew that hate doesn't turn hearts.  He knew that because he listened to Jesus.  He also knew that through experience.

So when you are confronted with the inevitable "Happy Holidays" this season, don't respond with a snide "Merry CHRISTmas".  Respond with love.  Give a smile, a nod, and a best wishes for the season.  If possible, engage in a friendly discussion.  If the Holy Spirit chooses you to try and witness to the person, it's important to build a relationship based on trust and love, not on judgement and condemnation.

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