Sunday, January 31, 2010


It's been awhile. I bet that's the first time that's been posted on a blog! :)

Changing the world can be hard. Something that I've discovered is that when I talk about change, people listen intently and with enthusiasm. People know that change is inevitable. At the same time, change is scary. Because of this, when I try to lead change there's an initial buzz of energy. Then that fades and so does the momentum. So, now I'm trying to develop the endurance and patience to push through this down time, to persist until the momentum picks up again.

An encouraging support team are helpful to have. A leader can't rely on someone else to lead the charge when things get bogged down, though. It's always the leader's job to lead.

Another (more important) essential component is submission to our Holy Father. I keep finding myself being trusted with a vision. I quickly grab onto it and fail to steward it properly. I grasp it and run in my own direction with it rather than continually seeking direction from on high. Those of you with an active prayer life know what I'm talking about.

So....I'm on an intersting journey right now. Writing helps.

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